
Op Mid Week Train

Wed, 10 Jun, 2020 @ 03:30pm
Optimist Performance


Sienne Thiry
Teamer APP
Tommy Xie
Teamer APP
Jack Woolterton
Teamer APP
Emily Polson
Teamer APP
Sean Liu
Teamer APP
Edie Chow
Teamer APP
Daniel Dolega
Teamer APP
Jayden Fung
Teamer APP
Ted Liu
Teamer APP
Ian Ma
Teamer APP
Tomoe Thiry
Teamer APP
Tiangy Wong
Teamer APP
Jono Rankine
Teamer APP


Members in this list will be automatically notified
if someone in your lineup declines the event notification.

TEAMER is a part of the Pitchero Group

{:brand=>"teamer", :page_type=>"club_event_notifications", :sport=>"other", :gender=>"male", :adult=>"no", :user_group=>nil}